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About Santhosha Vidhyalaya

Santhosha Vidhyalaya is a residential and co-educational school situated on the Dohnavur Fellowship campus, Dohnavur, Tirunelveli. The school is etched with many years of service in providing wholesome education in a homely atmosphere. The school was founded by Professor Ivan Balasingh in collaboration with the members of the Dohnavur Fellowship in June, 1982.

Santhosha Vidhyalaya provides sanctuary encompassed with educational retreat for boys and girls, with preference being given to the children of Christian workers in the matter of admissions. However, the school also admits other children without differentiating caste, creed and religion. The school is for all children who are in need of education.

Our Visionary

Professor. Ivan Balasingh, a visionary, was the key person behind the founding of Santhosha Vidhyalaya. The idea to start a school for the children of christian workers arose as there was a need. He presented this need to the Dohnavur Fellowship, which changed a lot of lives. The need was the root of the origin of the school – The need for schools for Indian Missionary Parents then and the need for an education for children, now and always.Then was born the school, Santhosha Vidhyalaya in 1982 and the rest as they say is history.

Vision & Mission

We, a group of adept preceptors, teach values, knowledge, skills and aptitude to nurture a humane, brilliant, accomplished and driven citizen. Our academic teachings are merged with Christian values.

To strive for academic excellence, nurturing godliness and moulding our children into responsible citizens of India, and enabling them to reach their full potential by providing a loving and homely environment.

Principal’s Message

Dear Parents and Well wishers

Welcome to our school website! I am delighted to share with you a message that emphasizes our commitment to fostering character building, holistic development, experiential learning, digital skills, and the inculcation of Christian values.

At our residential school, we firmly believe that education goes beyond academic excellence. We strive to nurture each student’s character, equipping them with the values and virtues that will guide them throughout their lives. By emphasizing character building, we aim to instill qualities such as integrity, compassion, resilience, and responsibility in our students.

We recognize the importance of holistic development and provide a well-rounded education that focuses not only on intellectual growth but also on physical, emotional, and social development. We encourage our students to explore their interests, engage in sports and extracurricular activities, and develop a well-balanced lifestyle.

Experiential learning is a cornerstone of our educational philosophy. We believe that hands-on experiences and real-life applications enhance students’ understanding and make learning more meaningful. Through various practical activities, projects, and field trips, we aim to provide our students with opportunities to apply their knowledge, develop critical thinking skills, and become lifelong learners.

In today’s digital age, proficiency in digital skills is crucial. We understand the significance of technological literacy and equip our students with the necessary digital skills to succeed in the 21st century. By integrating technology into our curriculum, we prepare our students to navigate the digital world responsibly and effectively.

Amma Amy Carmichael, a renowned figure known for her dedication to serving others and living a life of truth and humility, serves as an inspiration to us. We strive to follow in her footsteps by instilling these Christian values in our students. Through teachings, moral guidance, and service opportunities, we aim to cultivate an environment that promotes kindness, empathy, and respect
for all.

Additionally, we place great importance on nurturing nature and promoting environment-friendly activities. We believe that by fostering a love and appreciation for nature, we can raise environmentally conscious individuals

who are committed to sustainable practices and the preservation of our planet.

I invite all students, parents, and guardians to join us in our mission to provide a well-rounded education that prepares students not only for academic success but also for a fulfilling and meaningful life. Together, let us create a nurturing and empowering educational community where every student can thrive.

Thank you for choosing our school, and I look forward to working hand in hand with each one of you.

Warm regards,

Lydia Premakumari


Santhosha Vidhyalaya is managed by the Santhosha Educational Society, Dohnavur and registered under the Tamilnadu Societies’ Registration Act of 1975. It is run on non-profit basis. The board is a fine mix of Christian professionals, Renowned Educationalist and people involved in society’s upliftment.
