
Home >Primary


Primary Education is a planned and distinctly prepared academic syllabus that follow the XSEED method of teaching. The 5-step learning paves way for the students to improve intellectually from the age of 6 to 10 to ace the grades 1 to 5.
Students are encouraged to develop their character and behaviour by awarding them stars and rewards.


Secondary Education aims to provide ample academic knowledge for the children of age group 11 to 15. It readies the children for higher education. Students, who are interested, are encouraged and prepared to participate in the Olympiad examinations. Students are encouraged to participate in competitions to enhance their skills.

Higher Secondary

Higher Secondary Education is an advanced and focused syllabus that pushes children to choose their field of interest and initiate the preparation towards achieving them. Children are free to choose their subject of interest from the courses provided.

Children are provided with coaching classes to appear for the competitive exams like NEET, JEE.

Experts from various fields are invited to prepare the children for their future by giving them career guidance and counselling

Contact Info


  • The Principal, Santhosha Vidhyalaya, Dohnavur – 627102 Tirunelveli Dist. Tamilnadu


